Listen to History is Human!
With the Free Substack app, You can Listen to Articles in Audiobook Form
For some time, a common response we have often gotten about History is Human is how much people appreciate the journal, but end up losing out on certain articles because there is only so much time. As much as they enjoy reading the content, they do not always have time to read the articles.
This message has these people particularly in mind.
When using the free Substack app, you can listen to any and all History is Human articles and essays in audiobook/podcast form!
Listen to History is Human articles while you drive, while you clean, while you do all the things that make up daily life that distract you from being able to read as often as you would like.
The Substack app is absolutely free, is available for Android and iPhone, and is available anywhere and everywhere apps are found.
Get the Substack app (for free!) and listen to all those History is Human articles that you have not had time to read!
This is not a feature only for premium subscribers! When using the app, all content available to free subscribers can also be listened to! Download the app and enjoy listening to History is Human: A Journal of American Intellectual History when you do not have time to read them all!